At the request of Governor Matt Mead, the Wyoming Attorney General’s office filed a petition for review of final agency action on the “Methane and Waste Reduction” rule promulgated by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The State of Wyoming asserts the rule is outside the agency’s authority and further complicates development of federal resources.
“The BLM is once again overstepping its bounds and imposing unnecessary regulations,” said Governor Mead. “Congress has delegated regulation of air pollution to the states and EPA, not BLM. Wyoming has successfully regulated air pollution emissions from oil and gas activities for over 20 years and has effective limitations on venting and flaring of natural gas.”
The petition filed by the Wyoming Attorney General’s office outlines how the BLM’s rule conflicts with the Clean Air Act and interferes with Wyoming’s air quality regulations.
Read more at the Tri-State Livestock News….